Marcia gay harden young photos

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In 2001 she won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Supporting Role for her portrayal of the painter Lee Krasner in Pollock, and in 2009 she won a Tony Award for Best Actress in a Play for her portrayal of Veronica in Yasmina Reza’s God of Carnage.

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Harden will talk about the different seasons of her mother’s life, all the while weaving in the story of her own journey from precocious young girl to budding artist to award-winning actress. It was here that Marcia’s mother “exploded into the woman I will always remember.” With her husband at sea and five children at home, Beverly took a class in ikebana, the ancient Japanese art of flower arranging, and began a lifelong love affair with the practice. When Marcia was eight years old, the family moved from California to Japan, where her father was stationed during the Vietnam War. This poetic and inspiring memoir is a beautifully rendered portrait of two lives-Marcia’s own, and that of her mother, Beverly, a proper Dallas lady who struggles with Alzheimer’s disease. In her new book The Seasons of My Mother: A Memoir of Love, Family, and Flowers, one of America’s most revered actresses takes on her most important role to date: gatekeeper of memories. Academy Award and Tony Award–winning actress Marcia Gay Harden

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